Thursday, January 19, 2012

While walking in the barrio, I met a bear

He sat there, head down concentrating on classwork. I tried in vain to get his attention, and in a final attempt I scribbled onto pieces of paper all sorts of probing questions that were ever so important in my teenage mind. Balling up my little notes I commenced a paper ball assault on him. With an amused look on his face he picked up the balled up pieces of paper and traced their source back to me. That was it. I had no idea at that time that a chain reaction had started between me and this boy that would, twenty years later, bring me back to life.
We were both Juniors in high school and attending night classes to earn graduating credits. He was handsome, shy, and kept mostly to himself. A quiet, gentle soul with eyes so piercing that I often times would shy away from his gaze for fear that he would burn a hole right through me. He would walk me home almost every night after class. What stands out the most in my memory, is how easy it was to be with him.  Our conversations came without effort, our interaction with one another was so easy and natural. He awakened in me a feeling that, up until that time, I had never felt. Ever the gentleman, he always treated me with the utmost respect and kindness. What started out a slight flirtation was quickly becoming for me, something so much more than friendship.
There are moments you remember all your life that you carry with you for all times. We were so young and full of idealistic dreams. My school days passed in a whirlwind of faces, locker combinations, dramatics, and friends. As time for night school approached the whirlwinds would begin to slow. He would walk into the classroom and suddenly it was just he and I as the world buzzed all around us. There was something about him. I am not sure if it was his quiet confidence, or the way he held himself, or maybe it was just the intensity in his eyes. Whatever it was he had me captivated.

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