Thursday, August 27, 2015

Throw me to the Lions and I'll return leading the pride

I wear my battle scars proudly, like all the perfect imperfections that make a painter awe at his masterpiece.

Lioness fresh from battle, I lick my wounds, readying for the next foray, and strut with an unbendable, unbreakable confidence and spirit.

The kind of self assuredness that rises from survival and experience of suffering and pain, triumph, sorrow and joy.

Tests meant to awaken the senses and you to your true self. To all of what a woman can do with just the slightest bit of determination.

Throw your head back, arch your spine, spread your arms, and let it eminate from the deepest parts of you. 

Remember who you are. You are Joan of Arc leading a battalion. You are Etta James entrancing the world with your voice. You are Rosa Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus.You are Maya Angelou a phenomenal woman.

You are true strength. You are Woman!

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