Thursday, November 18, 2010

Child's Eyes

Jul 11, 2007
Current mood:cynical

Child's Eyes

The world outside or in my head whichever one
does not make sense
Decisions made with contemplation, rationals, or justifications all seem to lead to naught
Struggle daily to take a breath, get out of bed, and be productive
By who's definition am I living and basing these beliefs I hold
Thoughts well formed or malformed who is to say but me
Theories and contradictions are what I find in this world religion of hate and intolerance
Judge not lest you be judged by man, by woman, by child, by priest, by clown, by wind, by sky
This is not the world I envisioned in my innocence- so sweet
That is why it was innocent-
My eyes could not see what my mind had yet to comprehend
My view was straight and clean without a life's jaded cynical bend
Music was nothing more than an enjoyable beat to spin round and round with my arms stretched out wide to
The world was a beautiful kaleidoscope of people without race or color
Words were tied to silk strings that weaved in out of infinity in a dazzling blur
Now my heart cries for its innocence lost
My mind aches to return to its blissful ignorance
My eyes tear for their long lost rose colored glasses
Was innocence lost or was innocence stolen or was it simply just given away

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- July 2007

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