Thursday, November 18, 2010

You don't know me

Sept. 2010

You Don't Know Me

I've seen the golden rays of heaven, felt the healing power of God's light. I've walked through the raging rivers of fire and had them burn my life. No gun was ever pointed at my head by someone's hand except mine own. Not once was a something thrust upon me that I did not ask if not scream for it to be thrown. Many times I'm locked in my own prison with me as the taunting gatekeeper, always with keys in hand. They call me "Bi-Polar", they say I'm unhinged. They all want to hide me or show me as their own personal sin. I AM ME. Not taken advantage of, Not lacking in skill, Not wanting for beauty, Just wanting to feel........Anything other than this. There in the problem lies.

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson

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