Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Electricity Is Off

May 4, 2007
Current mood:creative

The Electricity Is Off

Fucking bitch
Who are you to randomly fuck me
I paid what I had, all I had
I went without food
Living on stale cereal and water
You don't see or care about my life
You don't know how my heart sinks into the depths of my tired soul
When I wake up to darkness and quiet in my electricityless house.
To you- Catarina Cardenas
Who put the order to accept full payment or no payment
You- Ms. Cardenas
Who took all I had and still stabbed me in the back
You- you heartless CPS whore
Who doesn't care that I don't have the money to pay it all today.
I paid all I had, all I could.
You- Queen of Hearts
Screaming, "Off with their heads!!!!"
How many more did you punish today?
Was it the single mom?
Working hard at two jobs to support three kids
Living in a delapitated apartment building
Who paid what she could, all she could
Now what little she did have will spoil and little Juanito's milk will sour
While she desperately stands on a street corner
Hoping to earn enough money just to turn the damn electricity back on
Enduring a stranger's sweaty, grease covered body on top of hers
Ravaging her, pawing her with filthy, dirty hands
Just so that You- Catarina Cardenas
Can do a job well done
Or perhaps it was the old man and woman
Who live on a small fixed income
Where the wife is ill
And it's get the medicine or pay the electricity bill
He worries and works his tired old body to death
Cutting lawns, doing odd jobs, and anything else just to get by
Who has to bury his pride and steal a moldy loaf of bread
Just so that he and his sick wife can have something to eat
And do You- Oh CPS Grim Reaper
You- behind you solid oak desk
With you botox injected face and bleached blonde hair
With your happy little family pictures and the "My Money and My Daughter go to A&M" bumper sticker on the back of your 2007 Toyota Highlander life.
The Electricity Is Off

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- May 2007

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