Thursday, November 18, 2010

Remember why Easter is

Apr 8, 2007

Remember why Easter is

In this Easter season, I think it's easy for us to forget (as it can be at Christmas time) why it is that we celebrate this holiday. It is too easy for us too get wrapped up in all the pastel colors and Easter Bunny bullshit, that we forget the real reason for the celebration. It's a season to give thanks to a man who gave his life for our sins. A man, that whether or not he was the son of God, gave his life for us. Gave his life and was resurrected on this very day!!!! Let us not forget that Jesus, regardless of our individual beliefs, came- live- taught- preached- performed miracles- and taught us that there is a greater goal, a better way to live and die. To live and die in the service of others. To live and die for something greater than our own individual needs and wants. The sacrafice of one's life for another's is the greatest sacrafice that anyone can give. So on this day, if not on any others, let us try to remember that there ARE people out there that ARE less fortunate than we are, and that there ARE people out there that fight  through struggles that we can't even begin to imagine, so be thankful for the blessings and the life that you are blessed with. No matter how bad we think our own life sucks, there is always going to be someone out there that would feel blessed with the life that we currently possess. So hug your family, love your kids, be thankful for your significant others, and give thanks to your creator who felt love so strong for us that he sent his only begotten son to live and die and for us all.

So, with that said, I want to thank God for all the many blessings in my life. For the blessings that I am aware of, and especially for those I am not aware of.

Exactly two Easters ago I was in the middle of one of the most trying physical battles of my life. For those of you that know, I was in the hospital under going the first of 13 thirteen surgeries that would change my life. I was without faith, and without trust in God. I felt like He was punishing me for whatever misdeeds I had done in my life. What I later realized is that He, was in fact, carrying me through one of the hardest physical struggles that I have ever undergone to date. Without Him, I and my family, would not have survived.

Thank you, again, God for your support and protection. I trust in you, I believe in you, and I have faith in your will. I know you know of my inner most struggles, and I trust in your guidance.
Thank you for my family and friends, and thank you for my struggles that aid me in becoming a better person.

Happy Easter Everyone!!

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- April 2007

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