Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Heart Once Beat For You

May 9, 2007
Current mood:peaceful

My Heart Once Beat For You

At the first sight of you my heart was whole
As it grew to know you it grew in love
It's beat grew stronger, and when you drew near they grew quicker
My heart swelled so full that at times it felt like it would burst
The mere whisper of your voice, your breath like a warm breeze on my neck, the slightest touch of your hand...
My heart knew you, my heart loved you...
Then it happened one day that my heart skipped a beat...
It skipped a beat at the coldness it unexpectedidly felt...
With the harshness of your words, the way you turned away, pulled your hand away from mine
In that instant a piece of my heart fell away
But still it would try to beat with the same fervor as before...
At the sound of your voice, at the slightest glance made my way, with tiny smiles it perceived...
My heart knew you, my heart loved you
Yet again came a night, when my heart skipped a beat
The coldness it felt, and the aching so deep, was something so profound that it skipped one more beat
The words that you said- inflicted wounds that would not heal, the cold shoulder you gave- as the tears poured out new, then with silence so deep- you rewarded my love...
A few more pieces of my heart fell away with every unkind word and harsh look made my way
Yet in vain my heart knew you, my heart loved you
No more glances, or wayward touches, no longing looks, or playful words...
There was not fruit for my heart's labor, no harvest to collect, only pain and sadness lingered as it slowed within my breast
One last pathetic effort was put forth by my poor heart once more
It was in the form of begging, and in pleading its poor case, But on deaf ears all the crying fell, and no avail did it make
For your decision had been made, and it was not my heart that you made yours, but another heart that beat for you was the choice that was made clear.
Then again my heart it shuddered as it skipped another beat...
And more pieces of it fell and gathered on the floor next to my feet..
Yet my heart still thought it knew you, and still wanted so much to love...
So weakened, now it listened to the anger in your voice, to the curses that you screamed at me, felt the lack of care in every push...
A pain so fierce it jarred the core of me, as I felt my heart give out, felt my life force rushing from me, wounds so deep that I passed out.
In the morning when I woke up, I was startled by what I found.
My heart still strongly beat within me, though it was torn, and ripped apart
But with every breath that I drew in, and every dawn with morning dew
My heart grew and became stronger but now it beats no more for you...
My heart will always longing remember that she once knew and once loved....YOU.
Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- May 2007

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