Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Birthday 2006

Dec 29, 2006
Current mood:hopeful


As of midnight, I am now 30 freaking 3 years old. I find myself evaluating my 33years, and it's frightening.

My eyes have seen a great many things in this life. Some things I wish I could erase, and others I hope to remember for all my years to come. I have seen the sunrise over the snow capped Sangre De Cristo mountains, and the sunset over the calm Pacific ocean in Maui. I have made many friends and lost many friends. I have known love and experienced it's great joy and deep, saddening pain. I have witnessed the miracle of new life being born into this world, and the painful horror of holding my best friend in my arms as he bled to death. This life has seen it's share of success and the disappointment of failure. I have felt the warm bodies of lovers entwined in my embrace, wet mouths, and fervent kisses. My heart has been broken too many times to count, and my soul has mended itself in miraculous ways. I have known God, hated God, feared God, shunned God, begged God, prayed to God, and always felt God's presence in my life. To think that I could even begin to put a sum total on my existence till now, would be insane. These years for me have been an experience in learning, loving, forgiving, healing, joy, sadness, disappointments, success, failure, pain, sickness, health, sex, love, God, religion, death, family, struggle, strife, work, school, dancing, food, music, love, friendship, loss, art, color, culture, healing, growing, love, and above all LIFE.
So, at 33, I think I'm just getting warmed up. I can't even begin to imagine what the next 33 years have in store for me. Whatever it is, I say, "BRING IT ON, BABY!!!!"

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- December 2006

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