Thursday, November 18, 2010

Will that be a tall, grande, or a venti?

Mar 26, 2007

Will that be a tall, grande, or a venti?

So, I'm here at a Starbucks doing work. I have to come to Starbucks or Starfucks as I like to loving refer to it, because it is one of the only places in San Antonio where you can easily access WiFi. San Antonio's love of mediocrity will be the topic of a different blog on another day...
I am "willingly" being subjected to the horrid array of supposedly "popular" music and mindless coffee drones that pile in and out of the place ordering their, "Venti-Caramel-Non fat-Latte." There is no eye contact made, there is no recognition of anyone else. Most don't even bother to look at the poor barista taking their order. For them there is not even enough time to utter a simple, "Have a good day." What in the world is going on here? Is this what we've come to? This express, fast food, corporate, self absorbed society of my nightmares? A world where we can not see beyond our own nose long enough to issue forth even a half-assed smile at someone????? Why has this become acceptable? Maybe it is a cultural thing. I know that if my parents ever saw me even attempt to act in such a way, it would earn me a very hard slap across the back of the head accompanied by the "look" that would tell me that I BETTER act right or the end result would be something a bit more severe. Is it too much to ask from this Starfucks generation to show a bit more humanity and common courtesy? Just a nice, polite, "Thank You." would suffice. Let's try to step away from the laptop, put your call on hold, pause the IPOD, and take a moment to connect with the person who is working so hard to not spit in your coffee. And to you, the hard working, under-appreciated barista of the Starfucks world---- SPIT ON!

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- March 2007

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