Thursday, November 18, 2010

Night's Embrace

May 25, 2007
Current mood:happy

Night's Embrace

Light through darkness' window
The strong line of his back the light unveils for me
Moonlight shining revealing every rise and fall of breath

A Hand it reaches out to impel me
The heat is felt a second before the touch
of skin
Welcoming warmth and wetness of beckoning lips

The scent of perfume, cologne, and him fill my senses
With unbridled strength of beauty his arms embrace me
The hearts that beat as two, now beat as one

Overwhelming sense of freedom- it engulfs me
Our bodies intertwined- his passion fills me
With manic breaths- we sink into this moment

The passion is exploding deep within us
With energy spent in this blissful fervor
Our bodies fold and comfort one another

Then the night it takes us to her slumber
She reaches out her dark arms and then enfolds us
A restful sleep in love's responsive pleasure

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- May 2007

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