Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's my damn birthday 2007

Dec 29, 2007
Current mood:cooky/wacky

It’s my damn birthday.....

Well, another year has passed, and as of December 30th at 3am, I am now 34 yrs old.
It's strange how much one tiny year can change a person. I went out tonight with one of my best friends (Thanks Brandon and Tony) partied like a Rock Star at the Bonham Exchange. Being surrounded by all of these fresh, idealistic faces has caused me to look back on my own life.
In my life there have been so many influences that it would take me a lifetime to list them all. First and foremost, there is my family. The people that have stood by my side through it ALL. Though we may argue, fight, and have our disagreements, they have always come through for me thoughout my life. Second, is Dan, my husband. He is my closest and dearest friend, and despite it all he remains always at my side whenever I need him. He is a good man whom I am blessed to have in my life. He accepts me for who I am, and loves me in spite of all of my shortcomings ( and there are many). I also want to mention my dearest friends-Randy, Abel, Ruben, Brandon, Josef, Erik, and Vanessa. They have all put their time in with me, and I am a better person for having them as part of my life. I also want to thank God. Though I have doubted your existence, you continue to bless me and show yourself through others in my life.
Though much has changed in the last year, much has remained the same. I continue with my struggle to know and love myself. I strive on everyday to be a better person and to leave my imprint on this troubled World that we are living in.
I am thankful for all of the wonderful people, and experiences in my life.
Randy, if you're reading this, know that you are always in my heart and in my prayers, and I hope that you continue to have faith and love in your life. You do and will always hold a very special place in my heart. Thank you for helping me to renew my faith in this whole experience of life. Of all of the people that have come into my life this past year, I think I am most grateful for you. You have shown me, through your actions, friendship, and love that there is always hope to be had and better choices to make.
Brandon, what can I say other than you mean the world to me. You have encouraged me to continue to fight the good fight. You are my shoulder to cry on, my dance partner, my confidant, my strength, and one of my best friends. I am so happy that you are a part of my life. You are an inspiration and a mentor to me, and I cherish our relationship.
Josef, my J, my gamer, my kindred, my brotha from anotha motha, I love you. Though we have had our moments of stress and anger with one another, we always seem to come out on top. Your friendship to me is one that I hope to have my whole life. Your faith in God has helped me to renew my own connection with our Creator, and I thank you for that. I don't really know if I would have survived this year without your humor, pushiness (lol), presence and friendship. Thank You, J, for allowing me to be a part of your life.
Erik, Whoa. What can I possibly say to you that you haven't heard me say a hundred times over? You are a true friend who I always know I can count on to have my back. Though our friendship is still fairly new, I feel like we have known eachother for an eternity. Whether in times of strength or in times of struggle, you have shown me that there isn't anything that we can't overcome if we put our minds to it. I thank God for you in my life and I feel priviledged to be a part of yours. You are my reason...
So, as I draw my 34th year of life to a close, I feel ovewhelmed with gratefulness for all the wonderful experiences that have helped to mold and direct me. I look forward to the coming New Year with anticipation and hope.
One love ~Marissa

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