Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random Thought

Dec 1, 2006
Current mood:tired

Random thought

Life with all its unexpected beauty and inconceivable pain at the same time. I can see this whole circle of life thing now. It is becoming something tangible to me.
We start and end in the same way, just different surroundings. The whole good with the bad, ying and yang, ebb and flow cliche filled tide of the world.
I still am amazed at how people enter and exit your life with graceful and sometimes "Kramer" like flair, while others leave as quietly and unannounced as the tiniest speck of dust. I'm pleasantly surprised when the most unexpected person enters my life. The sheer unknown possibility of the new found relationship is enough to make me want to explode at times. Most times, it's just wasted emotion. People have lives of their own with their own routines. They don't have room for change, however much they may want it. Something always keeps them back. Is it fear that drives you? Fear of failure, regret, rejection, or maybe fear of the unknown? Why are we so afraid to really connect with one another? We go about our daily lives on auto pilot. We don't even stop long enough most times just to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us in the everyday. We're so busy on the phone, on the damn computer, watching the brain drain drone of the TV, and otherwise distracting ourselves from our lives. Too many times we let our lives live us instead of living our lives. We are too busy with the topics and not the true issues. Oh America, the beautiful, God hides his light from thee.

Marissa Hokulani Kamamalu Gibson- December 2006

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